Tag Archives: animation

MAXHEAD2, a Max Headroom ANSI animation with speech synthesis from 1986. Executable available here. Unknown author.

via the excellent ulan-bator.tumblr.com.

Chaos Movie by BIT8, 2020. This is actually text-mode, although a very enhanced one. It uses the German videotex standard BTX that has several character sets/fonts and allows 94 customized characters (in multiple colours) and various effects, useful for animation. The CEPT videotex standard was modelled on BTX.

The animation runs on a Commodore 64 using an official BTX-peripheral, which is basically a little computer in itself.

Graphic Variations on Telidon by Pierre Moretti, 1979 or 1980. Telidon was a Canadian videotex service with textmode and vector graphics and Moretti was the first professional artist to work with Telidon.

Video saved here, just in case. Previously featured here.

Works by Nigel Cottier from his Instagram. h/t: TYPE01

More posts on Cottier.

A very sheep game by Adel Faure, 2022 using his Jgs font. And a very cheap gif. Runs in the browser. More posts.

There weren’t many active PETSCII-artists in the 00’s but the prolific Dutch demoscener JSL more than made up for it. He released tons of animated movies, often programmed in C64 BASIC. Although his naive and sometimes obscene style is not for everyone, his work deserves documentation nevertheless.

His first animated PETSCII came in 2002 with First Demo, Visitors 1-3 and RTR Loves Pussy. In 2003 he made Ninja 2 and Resident Evil.

Put down by harsh feedback, he took a break in 2004 only to return in full force in 2005.

Resident Evil 2, 2005.

Band of Brothers, 2005

The same year he also put out Anaconda, the Basic JSL pack and Some JSL stuff (including his own tool). This was followed by Indiana Jones (2006), Basic JSL II (2007), Porn Pack 1-3 (2007-2008), the over-the-top GODS (2009), Jokes (2010) and Basic JSL III (2010).

He returned in 2013 with More Petsci Stuff and was surprised by the response. “How come ppl download this 90x times, is there something special about Petsci graphics..?” This was the year when PETSCII was becoming popular in the C64 demoscene again. He released a few more things that year – More Petscii 2-4, Faces Petscii, Evil Dead and Xmas Petscii Demo. After that, it seems like the only PETSCII-stuff he released was in Christmas Mixed Pack 2017. I could have missed something though, because he has something like 900 releases?!

Other JSL posts

PETSCII-works by James, using his own lvllvl editor that runs in the browser. It even supported 3D and had its own C64 music editor back in the day. RIP. Hope you liked our little demo for you. <3

Animations by Lennarts & De Bruijn. via TYPE01

All works in this post by Julian Hespenheide, 2022. link

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BB – a demo for Unix and DOS made by four Czech teenagers in 1997: Jan Hubicka, Kamil Toman, Mojmir Svoboda and Filip Kupsa. They made a notorious library for ASCII-conversion, AA-lib, which was later used for example in Hasciicam and VLC (see Wikipedia). They also made Aview that lets you browse the web in ASCII, ASCII-3D-2000 that creates stereogram ASCII, and more. It’s a similar spirit to the ASCII Art Ensemble.

From here.