Tag Archives: usa

ASCII skull tattoo by Chris Sanford.

By Leslie Roberts, 2013-2016. “My paintings translate words into visual language.“ h/t: garadinervi

Perl Quine Scarf by @knityak, available here. A quine is a program that copies its own source code as output.

Typewriter work by Mikrosopht (@tps3e8). Click the link and click the link and….


Alive Software’s very pretty Summer 1996 catalog. From ALIVECAT.exe

Knitted ASCII-scarf from Glitchaus, available here. It’s an Atari ST image file read as a text, displayed with the MS DOS font (code page 437), then knitted.

Ads in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 1873-1874 found by Paul Soulellis. ASCII advertising was quite popular at the time, and these are almost like concrete poetry advertising?

Terminal Rain, a textmode game with a custom font, developed by Jackson Lango. (Twitter)


The Osage City Free Press, Kansas, April 26, 1888

Yet another type dude.


The Winfield Daily Free Press, Kansas, April 18, 1904