American Wildlife, a mosaic mural in the lobby of the new Cincinnati Federal Building. Made by Charley Harper in 1964.
American Wildlife, a mosaic mural in the lobby of the new Cincinnati Federal Building. Made by Charley Harper in 1964.
Shape and Structure (1969) and Departure from Merida (1973) by Carl Andre.
Dom Sylvester Houedard’s “typestract the five buddhas” (1967)
Kurt Schwitters by Jiří Kolář. Published 1966 in his book Gersaints Auschängeschild that featured concrete poems about 30 people, Schwitters being one of them.
Post updated 2024.
Poem Field #7 by Stanley VanDerBeek and Kenneth C. Knowlton, 1968. Text-based computer animation made in Bell Labs.
Nude by Ken Knowlton and Leon Harmon, 1966. Contrary to popular belief, it does not use ASCII characters but various pictograms. In 1967 the image was printed in The New York Times, and it was exhibited at one of the earliest computer art exhibitions, The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age, at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, 1968.
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