Tag Archives: animation


Live Type in PETSCII animation on Commodore 64 by Raquel Meyers.
Track: Tacocat – Crimson Wave | Hardly Art Records

 #Vol2 Hits With Tits  in PETSCII-O-Rama

Perpetuo SocorroCalvarioElsa de Alfonso y Los PrestigioPaisanaSummerisleBombón#MuerteMortalDie Katapult • Pega Monstro • PL Girls • Malvan Roses • Las Cruces, MadridSección FemeninaVioleta VilGhost CarSol MarianelaLos Chicos ProblemaGurr

German teletexxxt, with photos supplied by Lord Nikon.

An ASCII/ANSI animation by lordnkon, 2014.

Commodore 64, #PETSCII typewriter animation by Raquel Meyers
music by Dan Brännvall / code by Johan Kotlinski.

PETSCII space disco by fakewaffles.

From the game Cogmind, currently developed by Grid Sage Games.


Gif snippet of Petscii Intro by Atlantis & F4CG, 2014. h/t: 4mat

Monitor and Skull. PETSCII-animation by Lawrence Wells, 2014.

By bigblueboo, 2014. Sort of like animated characters.

glsl spinboxes (made in shadertoy, hosted in openframeworks)

By hermippe, 2014. Like a mixture of hi-res teletext and pixel art?

h/t: prostheticknowledge. More texty hermippe here.