Works by Ikko Tanaka, early 1980’s. via Design Reviewed.

Terminal Text Effects, a visual effects engine for terminals by Chris Builds. Only a selection of effects shown here. h/t: Ray Manta

The Hubot robot, 1983. A 50 kilo robot with speech synthesis, radio, a built-in Atari 2600 and many other features. Not sure if the graphics are textmode, but it looks like it? via

Graffiti-inspired ANSI and ASCII by Smooth (5m), 2020-2021. Some of these have unusually high resolution (160-255 chars wide). via sixteencolors

By Steve McCaffery, from one of his CARNIVAL books, made some time between 1967-1975. Found here. More here.

By Agda Östeberg in the 1950’s. Images from various sources.

By K. Wheeler (Rosebud) 1992-1993.

Amiga ASCII by Mortimer Twang, 1995. From several collies released that year.

, 2022.