PETSCII-works by Adrien Tison.
Computer – Come and Dance (1977). ASCII art in the disco era. Includes the hit Nobody loves a computer because a computer does not dance. h/t: David Viens.
Acid logo by Cleaner, 1999.
Portrait en creux de Georges Perec by Étienne Lécroart. Oulipo work with the following constraint according to Google Translate:
Text of a page describing a person and drawing a portrait of it by the whites of the text: between the words and at the end of lines. The text will preferably be in the negative form and composed in a fixed hunting font.
Voltra, an audiovisual treat in 1 kilobyte (!) of Javascript code, without any library or dependencies. Made by p01. Run the demo here. Full source code:`100%`,`fixed`,`radial-gradient(#023,#000)`,`0 a`;for(x=0;x{for(u=o.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0),d=Math.sin(m/32),e=Math.cos(4*Math.cos(4*d)),f=Math.sin(4*Math.cos(4*d)),c.width=12*64,`perspective(64vh)rotate3d(0,1,${f},${m/8}deg)scale(${1+(m/96)**64})`;a/64+64>(4*b[i-1]+b[i]*2+b[i++])^1.01*Math.random())i=a++%2048;for(i=y=0;y