Tag Archives: 1970s


Carl Andre (Yucatan) typewriter poems, 1972.  Will be featured in The Drawing Center’s upcoming Drawing Time Reading Time exhibition curated by Claire Gilman.

The Crolux Complex in Barlad, Romania. Designed by B.A.C.U in the 1970s? source

Daphil 2, 1979. Mixed media on metal by Joseph Stanislaus Ostoja-Kotkowski. h/t Tim Koch. via 

Various works by Dutch typographer Jurriaan Schrofer, mostly from 1960s and 1970s.

Designs by Otl Aicher 1960s-1980s. h/t: Tim Koch

Foucault by Kohei Sugiura from Koichi Toyosaki, Suna no Kao (Face on the Sand), Ozawa Shoten, 1975. h/t: Takashi Kawano

Olympic games stamps by Kohei Sugiura 1972. via

The Wonder Wheel in The Warriors looks sort of like ASCII.


Typographische Monatsblätter nr 11, by Wolfgang Weingart 1970.

More at design-is-fine.

 “ComputERR” by Alex Toth (1970) ‪#‎punchcard‬ comic!