Tag Archives: france

When François Mitterrand was elected president in France 1981, they revealed it with a Minitel animation slowly drawing this portrait line by line.

Sébastian Truchet worked with typography, mathematics and graphics and created Truchet tiles. He also designed weapons and most of the channels of France.

3615 Ulla was a Minitel microserver for dating and chatting, part of the so-called pink Minitel. It was one of the most popular Minitel services.

(post updated 2024)

Antiope (1976/1979) was the French competitor to the British teletext standard. Antiope used a higher data rate, dynamic page sizes, custom fonts, and generally more sophisticated graphics, although some of these features were introduced later in the 1980s.

According to the French, it was not as “crude and old fashioned” as British teletext. Nevertheless, the British won the the standardization war and proclaimed World System Teletext, while Antipoe was used for Teletel (better known as Minitel).

Some images from here.

Post updated in 2024.

Seiichi Niikuni & Pierre Garnier: Pik bou Ozieux 1, 1966 (?).

Stills from the Amiga PETSCII demo New-D by Otro and Goto80, released at the Datastorm demoparty, 2010.

Post updated 2024.

Cendrillon by Sonia Marques, 2010. More info here.

Il Pleut by Guillaume Apollinaire, 1918.
