Tag Archives: c64

10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 is a book about a C64 BASIC program. The program creates maze-like structures by “randomly” printing slash or backslash. Photo from Creative Applications.

Authors: Nick Montfort, Patsy Baudoin, John Bell, Ian Bogost, Jeremy Douglass, Mark C. Marino, Michael Mateas, Casey Reas, Mark Sample and Noah Vawter.

Raquel Meyers.

Live teletext visuals with Commodore64 BASIC for the performance ‘Mind the volcano!’
by Goto80 & Raquel Meyers for Transmediale 013

Commodore’s christmas greets from 1982. GIF made by Prosthetic Knowledge for his brilliant post on Commodore xmas demos on Rhizome.

FIB 1979 [2006] by Dino

Graffiti [2004] by Poison

C64 text graphics and music program faxed into outer space.


‘Fax & Frankering for Folket’ performance.
Original DEFMON and raquel meyers.

Commodore MicroComputer, issue 11, February 1981. source

The Ferret Show, a PETSCII-musical by Goto80, Raquel Meyers and Uwe Schenk and his band. Video, info, graphics.

Bogartmaster [1998] by Poison