Tag Archives: petscii

Entries by Jucke, Dino, Abba, Taper, Maktone and Goto80 for the Floppy 2005 PETSCII (C/G) competition

H-ppy Ll-m-t-n-!
F-r DATA$ToRM l-v-rs

Mini-Quadro, a C64 BASIC game by Michael Scheuner with PETSCII that looks like cross-stitch. From the German magazine 64’er, july 1990.  

PETSCII logotype for Swenströmskas stenugnsbageri in Karlstad (Sweden) by Raquel Meyers, 2014.

The Yeti Sound Machine performed by Raquel Meyers and Goto80 at Capitaine Futur | La Gaîté lyrique, 2014.

PETSCII-burgers by haydiroket.

Are you in Paris this weekend? We play a skweee show on Friday at Udo Bar, and make a “movie concert” for kids on Sunday at Gaite Lyrique. Short video here.

Most of it in in PETSCII text graphics. See you there!

L0v3 byt3s (2013)
Raquel Meyers (with Goto80, Zabutom, Linde, Johan Kotlinski)
for NET VVORTH ::: Closing Reception for Daniel Temkin ‘GLITCHOMETRY’
Buy it here: http://netvvorth.com/Catalog/works/Cosic

C64 vs MZ-700. This is Mikulas vs. Krampusz originally made in PETSCII by Hermit (below), converted to MZ-700’s textmode by Marq (above).

Made with PETSCII (PET, not C64) characters and custom colours in Photoshop by v21. She writes:

Incidentally, this is completely inauthentic. The colours I just liked, and it mixes both character sets liberally. Also, it’s a fucking post-process effect in Unity.