Tag Archives: animation

By Edward Snowden, 1998. Leaked PETSCII art work.



MICOMONOCON by Raquel Meyers, Jens Nirme, Goto80

Micomonocon is a music game where monkeys try to play human acid pop. Set in a luxurious text mode environment, your mission is to prevent chaos and promote business. Do you have what it takes to be a top monkey?

I Will Glam : The first TELETEXT videoclip in history?
The video clip took off on national spanish TV (Cuatro Teletexto) in 2009. More info here


PARALLAX View is on-line gallery of animated GIF’s + GIF/Super8 Action for the 55th International Art Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia, 2013. Animated GIF by Raquel Meyers

Enter the gallery!


Baroque Floppy People – royal antique monockeldata. In the dirty Helltown south in Sweden. Fresh PETSCII graphics by Jucke, Dino and Poison.
BFP 2013 Invite here!.

キター by よぴ (2011)

Found at hollahollagetpound.

喪黒福造 (笑うセールスマン by illiorzilli (2012)

Made by Clint J (1997)

Visual textmode identity for Pickles PR by Part of a Bigger Plan. Check out the smoo00th transitions on their website.

Kind of similar to Siggi Eggertsson