Tag Archives: animation

By Matt Hammill for the online text adventure game Guilded Youth. Thanks to Matt for sharing the GIF-files!

楽器・演奏 AAセット by illiorzilli (2012)

Litterae Finis – Trauma (2013). Text mode production from the demoscene. Looks more ASCII than textmode demos usually do. Winner of TMDC15.

This came from a demoscene place, but I think it came from dump.fm before that, perhaps posted by A Bill Miller? Yep/no.

Commodore’s christmas greets from 1982. GIF made by Prosthetic Knowledge for his brilliant post on Commodore xmas demos on Rhizome.

H-ppy 013! by Raquel Meyers

92% of all doctors use educational DOS software on a daily basis.

ITV Nightscreen, 1998.

Goto80 & the Uwe Schenk Band: The Ferret Show (MP3, Upitup)
Cover Art by Raquel Meyers.
Get it here!

Technislov Trashablon by Andrew Rosinski 2010.