Bitmap Patterns by Carine Bigot.
Bitmap Patterns by Carine Bigot.
Artistic Embroidery (Художественная вышивка), a book edited by L. Ya. Razutova (Л. Я. Разутовой) in 1963. Soviet artistic folk embroidery patterns. Images from an Ebay auction. More info (in Russian) here.
Post updated in 2024.
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 (Book Cover), 2012.
The first book cover (I have seen) to use PETSCII (Commodore ASCII) characters as a pattern.
It is part of a compilation of writing from software artists (via Amazon)
“Typewriter Art”, printed in 1975 and edited by Alan Riddell, features work by artists from over 20 countries, spanning from the early 20’s through the 50’s (and the coining of the term concrete poetry) to the tripped-out 70’s.
Densha Otoko (電車男), aka Train Man, by Hitori Nakano, 2004.
Based on the purportedly true story of a 23-year-old otaku who intervened when a drunk man started to harass several women on a train. The event was chronicled on 2chan. This led to the compilation of the relevant threads in Densha Otoko.
(Link added in 2024)
Ukrainian embroidery (via)
2024-update: following the Tumblr-link, we learn that these images “are from one of several publications on Ukrainian folk art from RODOVID Press in Kyiv. For more info and other beautiful images see:” and that page is archived here.
Fun With Your Typewriter is a book from the 1950s by Madge Roemer for “church suppers or high school dances”.
Untitled by Hansjörg Mayer, A Mnemonic Wallpaper Pattern for Souther Two Seaters by Jonathan Williams, Estrangement by Václav Havel and The Golden Message by Mathias Goeritz.
From Concrete Poetry: a World View, 1970. Post updated in 2024.
Moby Dick works by Justin Quinn, 2006-2011. Quinn spent 5 years re-writing full chapters of Moby Dick only using the letter E. Volume I arranges the text like the book, while Volume II, pictured here, shapes the text more freely.
More photos available on his Flickr. (Post updated 2024)
Kurt Schwitters by Jiří Kolář. Published 1966 in his book Gersaints Auschängeschild that featured concrete poems about 30 people, Schwitters being one of them.
Post updated 2024.