Tag Archives: canada

Frida Kahlo typoportrait by Kevin McPherson Eckhoff via visual-poetry.

Sample page from blewointment magazine 1967 featuring poems by Earle Birney and David Frith as well as event listings for Alan Neil Trio and an ad for a bpNichol book.

Speechless #9, edited by Derek Beaulieu, with works by Jesse Ferguson, 2010.

Various textile/software works by David MacCallum, 2008-2013.

“Woven Paint” by Robert Davidovitz (2009-2010)

Some teletext/videotex standards offer more than alphanumerical characters. Like the Canadian Telidon, which used vector graphics. These are Telidon images, made by Jacques Palumbo in 1986.

Meanwhile in Japan, videotex was more complex: it was alphaphotographic. That is a combination of text and hi-res photos. It supposedly worked like a fax machine for the TV. See Captain.

By Matt Hammill for the online text adventure game Guilded Youth. Thanks to Matt for sharing the GIF-files!

By Guy de Cointet, 1971-1978.

More here. Updated in 2024.

Paroisse Ste-Marguerite, Magog, Quebec (Canada), built in 1949.
Photo by decopix

Shaunt Basmajian, Boundaries Limits and Space, 1980.