Tag Archives: animation

JSL is a Dutch demoscener who’s made plenty of x-rated PETSCII animations in C-64 BASIC. His teenage style is strangely refreshing. Sometimes. More of his work at girls.c64.org.

魔理沙は大変なものをAA化していきました (Marisa turned difficult things into AA) made by John in 2007. It’s an ASCII art (AA) adaptation of the short version of Iosis’s Touhou Otomehayashi track 2, Marisa Stole Something Terrible.

It took 1-2 months to make the 600 frames of the animation, and all of them are available here.

Post updated in 2024.

In a loop released by Ate Bit, 2006. C64-demo in 1 kilobyte made by 4-mat, who has coded more PETSCII visuals such as DUBCRT.

Post updated in 2024.

Poem Field #7 by Stanley VanDerBeek and Kenneth C. Knowlton, 1968. Text-based computer animation made in Bell Labs.

Goa Brudbilder 2 by Mathman & Goto80 of Hack n’ Trade, 2007. It switches ultra-fast between four PETSCII-images, which creates an illusion of new shapes and colours. This emulator capture has a slower and glitchier frame rate than on original C-64.

This is a follow-up to Goa Brudbilder from 2004.

Primiti Too Taa by Ed Ackerman and Colin Morton, 1987. More details on Wikipedia.

More typewriter animations

Excerpt from a gig with four C64s at the chip/noise event Bit Brus in Gothenburg, 2012. Perhaps the first gig ever with 100% text mode petscii? Performed by Goto80 and Raquel Meyers.

AsciiTracer – Real-time raytracer by Code Artisan. More info here. There’s also a new version here.

2024-update: broken links, but possible hints are here and here.

Jed’s Other Poem by Stewart Smith, 2005. Music by Grandaddy. It’s a BASIC-program running on an Apple II+ (see). The source code was released online, and inspired other videos like this.

911 by Limbo, 1997. Amiga-demo with PETSCII. More here.