Tag Archives: code

Demonstrations of Most Complex ASCII Fluid by Yusuke Endoh 2012. The top one is a code calligram, where the code spells out Fluid and then turns itself fluid. Got an honorary mention in the Obfuscated C Code Competition.

youtube + info

Advertising campaign for EA’s game Dante’s Inferno – found in the HTML code of Digg.com, 2010.


A piece of code that looks like a Mandelbrot fractal, and actually renders a Mandelbrot fractal in hi-res. A modern form of calligram, perhaps.

via weblingus. More: Python ascii art runs mandelbrot fractal

Knight rider by Limbo, 1993. Amiga demo with PETSCII.

Animal Romantics (2013).
Released today, this is an online maxi-single with visuals in Javascript PETSCII. Made by Raquel Meyers, evilpaul and Goto80 with remixes by Limonious, Dr. Vector, The Toilet, Steve and Ljudit Andersson. Released at Chipflip for the Wrong Biennale.

Check it out: CHIPFLIP.ORG/07 (new URL)

(pro tip: insert your own text & send romantic messages to ur friends)

via sakrecoer:

Yeah, humans need to step up their game. (via writing-system)

10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 is a book about a C64 BASIC program. The program creates maze-like structures by “randomly” printing slash or backslash. Photo from Creative Applications.

Authors: Nick Montfort, Patsy Baudoin, John Bell, Ian Bogost, Jeremy Douglass, Mark C. Marino, Michael Mateas, Casey Reas, Mark Sample and Noah Vawter.


10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 (Book Cover), 2012.

The first book cover (I have seen) to use PETSCII (Commodore ASCII) characters as a pattern.

It is part of a compilation of writing from software artists (via Amazon)

ASCII Art Signatures In The Wild or: How I Downloaded The Internet And Learned How Much One Million Is by Victor Widell, 2012. A script that scans the internet for ASCII art.