ANSI-style music video for Com Truise – Terminal, made by myk31 (Mykola Dosenko), 2012. via @sixteencolors who also mentions Beck’s ASCII video from 2004.
Also see
3D Giko (ギコ)! via
“Press play, go fullscreen and lie down. 2SLEEP1(2011) is a 66-minute playlist of audiovisual performances in text mode, designed to make you fall asleep. Made by Raquel Meyers and Goto80.”, via Mike M.
Chris Sievey – Camouflage, 1983. This video shows a ZX81-program that runs in sync with the song. Sieve programmed the software as well. It available on the B-side of the 7″ vinyl, as a harsh audiostream of data. This audio could be loaded as software on the ZX81. More info.
Btw – the ZX81 turned 31 years old yesterday!