Tag Archives: demoscene

Knight rider by Limbo, 1993. Amiga demo with PETSCII.

M30W [2013] by Leon

Xnitzy & Xnutzi Goes to Datastorm [2011] by bob.
Watch the video here.

Productions released outside Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition
PETSki [2013] by q0w
Delysid Petscii “Dragon’s Gate” [2013] by Shine
Platte 80 [2013] by daimansion
Alfred E. Neuman [2013] by war64burnout
Char Explosion [2013] by Algorithm
IHOF [2013] by Leichtfuß

Undo [2013] by rexbeng

Review of HT’s demo 20 Years Is Nothing in the German magazine RETURN Ausgabe 15

PETSCII by iLKke for the Orb‘s Commodore PET demo (2010)

Mikulas VS Krampusz [2013] by Hermit

Dusk [2013] by wile coyote

Toro Diaboliko [2013] by Sixx